Volume 1 Issue 2- March 2011
S.No | Title | Page |
1. | Behind the lines: A survey of IT job satisfaction in
India P.Ramachandran ,M.Kannan, B.Balaji ,G.Ulaganathan Abstract
India has second largest human resource in the world. Starting from mid 80’s IT sectors growth and development has made India a forerunner in Information Technology. Every street in south Indian cities has at least four people working in or for IT industry. Such a development has provided lot of pro’s to India on a whole. Yet, taking individual’s into account the worker’s in IT industry has fallen prey to stress due to unsatisfied job for few diverse reasons. This paper, through concept of data mining, researches the reason for unsatisfied jobs and provides an overlook of unsatisfied IT jobs. Keywords: Job Satisfaction,Job Stress ,Turnover Intentions |
67-69 Full Text PDF |
2. | NUC Algorithm for Correcting Gain and Offset
Non-uniformities Parul Goyal Abstract
This paper describes a model for gain and offset non-uniformities and correction algorithm for non-uniformities. The infrared sensor model determines the number of photoelectrons generated from total incident flux and relates these electrons with integration time. It includes gain and offset non-uniformities in infrared sensor. A methodology for calibrating the sensor non-uniformities is presented. The uncorrected infrared data is collected by exposing the infrared sensor against a very high emissive source such as black body or sky. This data is then used for sensor calibration. This algorithm is tested on cooled infrared imaging system. The results show that residual non-uniformities are reduced from 6% to less that 0.6% after performing the correction. Further, it is observed that the system is fully calibrated at two calibration points. The spatial noise after non-uniformity correction is compared with the temporal noise of the system and the results illustrates that the spatial noise is reduced significantly lower than the temporal noise of the system. This approach offers the upgradeability of gain and offset coefficients, thus making the system more robust by giving same performance under all environmental conditions. |
70-76 Full Text PDF |
3. | Implementation of AES as a Reconfigurable
Cryptographic Embedded system using MicroBlaze& Xilinx ISE M. P. Jaiswal, G.G. Sarate, S. R. Hirekhan Abstract
In this paper implementation of AES as a reconfigurable cryptographic embedded system is described. With some proposed techniques, an optimized structure of AES is discussed. The implementations of AES are described as a reconfigurable hardware approach of embedded system using MicroBlaze SCP. A MicroBlaze is a soft-core processor especially designed for Xilinx field programmable gate arrays. |
77-80 Ful Text PDF |
4. | Segmentation of Color Images Using EM Cost with
Spatial Refinement Algorithm on MBWT Features S.Vasuki, G.Veera Senthil Kumar , .L.Ganesan Abstract
This paper proposes a novel technique to segment the color images combining M-Band Wavelet transform(MBWT) and Expectation Maximization (EM) with cost spatial refinement algorithm. One of the drawbacks of standard wavelets is that they are not suitable for the analysis of high frequency signals with relatively narrow bandwidth. This drawback has been overcome using MBWT. Also M-band wavelet decomposition yields a large number of sub bands which is required for improving the performance accuracy. The proposed algorithm first decomposes the input image into sixteen subimages by applying MBWT. Then, median feature is computed for each subimage and maximum energy subimage is chosen as the appropriate feature space on which EM with cost spatial refinement algorithm is applied. This new combined algorithm produces very good segmentation results by taking advantage of M-Band Wavelet feature extraction and EM with cost spatial refinement algorithm. The segmentation result is more homogeneous and quite consistent with the visualized color distribution in the objects of the original images compared to Fuzzy C means and K means spatial refinement algorithms. Also EM with cost spatial refinement algorithm needs less computational time compared to other clustering algorithms. |
81-87 Full Text PDF |
5. | An Interactive Mining Approach to find the job
Satisfaction and Staff Turnover Intentions P.Ramachandran, M.Baranidharan, V.Ramesh, S.Prabhakaran Abstract
Turnover among professionals still remains a challenge for many companies. IT professionals suffer from high stress levels. This, in turn, may lead to burnout and result in quitting their jobs. Knowing the factors that affect the quitting decision of professionals is important for companies to decrease the turnover rate of qualified employees. The study investigated the impact of stressors, job stress organizational commitment, and locus of control and job satisfaction on intention to quit among professionals in Turkey. A set of questionnaires were collected from professionals. The results show that job satisfaction is explained by stressors and locus of control, whereas the effect of job stress on job satisfaction is found to be insignificant. Additionally, both organizational commitment and job satisfaction predict intention to quit. In this Research Paper a set of questions are asked to the professionals and a survey is taken and their reasons for quitting job and their turn over intentions are calculated. |
88-91 Full Text PDF |
6. | A Comparative Study of Classifiers for Filtering Spam E mails Upasna Attri, Dinesh Kumar, Bhupinder Singh, Neha Kapur, Puneet Kaur Abstract
This paper presents the comparison between Gaussian classifiers and Nearest Neighbor Classifiers for filtering spam emails. The results are in the form of traces of probability of error and time taken for classification, both with respect to the number of emails. Since spam emails are increasingly becoming difficult to filter, so these automated techniques will help in saving lot of time and resources required to handle the same. |
92-94 Full Text PDF |
7. | Implementation of Signal Generator (DSP)
Using TMS 320 C 6713 DSK P.V. Ingole, A. K. Sapkal , G.G. Sarate , S. R. Hirekhan Abstract
TMS 320 C 6713 DSK is used for the implementation of signal generator (DSP). The DSP processor TMS320C6713DSK with Code Composer Studio has been used to generate the signal waveforms and is used for interfacing user and the DSP board. A look-up table method has been used to generate signal waveforms and frequencies as well as amplitude of waveforms are independently adjustable. The user can program required waveform, amplitude, and frequency of the signal. The DSP processor has also been programmed to produce amplitude modulated signal. Simultaneously we can produce two different waveforms by using stereo audio codec of the kit. |
95-98 Full Text PDF |
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