Volume 4 Issue 11- November 2014
Page | Title | Full Text |
282-286 | A Survey on Botnets and Web-based Botnet
Characteristics Maryam Rahimipour,Dr. Shahram Jamali Abstract
The biggest threat of the Internet, but little known to the general public is constituted by Botnets. Botnets are networks of compromised computers controlled under a common command and control (C&C) channel. Botnets are often used for malicious activities such as spam, click fraud, identity theft, phishing, and distributed denial of service attacks. Characterizing existing Botnets will help to coordinate and develop new technologies to face this serious security threat. In this work, we carry out an analysis of Botnets for Understanding the structure and lifecycle of Botnets, Variety of Botnets in terms of their topology and protocol used and then we highlight the web-based Botnet features for use in detection algorithms. |
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287-295 | University Hospitals and Teaching Institutes
World Wide One PACS Dr. Nasser N. Khamiss,Qusay Abdul Ameer A. Hassan Abstract
This paper aims at setting up a new generation of PACS network that allows medical and academic communities to access and share clinical medical images, through open networks suggested for Iraqi medical systems and educational institutions. It aims to use Internet as the major provider for computational services to applications in ubiquitous computing environments. The learners will investigate, propose and develop new distributed solutions allowing the sharing of the remote access to medical imaging repositories. The structure of the system is modular structure that makes the project easy for edit and flexible for work. This means each one of the PACS subsystems consists of number of pluggable modules, allowing to add new features later by coding them as separate modules and plugging them into the existing system; This makes it suitable for use in any hospital or medical center. Keywords— PACS, HIS, RIS, LIS, MITSS, Learning System, Intra Created Cases, External Cases. |
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296-300 | Inpainting of Binary Images Using the
Cahn-Hilliard Equation Reshma.S, Hansa J Thattil Abstract
Image inpainting is the filling in of missing or damaged regions of images using information from surrounding areas. The use of a model for inpainting based on the Cahn-Hilliard equation, which allows for fast, efficient inpainting of degraded text, as well as super-resolution of high contrast images is introduced. Image decomposition is an important problem in image processing. The use of a model for inpainting based on the Cahn-Hilliard equation, which allows for fast, efficient inpainting of degraded text, as well as super-resolution of high contrast images is introduced. Cahn-Hilliard equation gives a better result on gray scale images. The Cahn-Hilliard equation is a nonlinear fourth order diffusion equation originating in material science for modeling phase separation and phase coarsening in binary alloys. The inpainting of binary images using the Cahn-Hilliard equation is a new approach in image processing. Processing is done by using subgradients of the total variation functional within the flow, which leads to structure inpainting with smooth curvature of level |
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301-307 | Performance Evaluation of LTE-Advanced Channel
Estimation Techniques in Vehicular Environments Noor Munther Noaman and Emad H. Al-Hemiary Abstract
In this paper; two linear channel estimation techniques, Least Square (LS) and Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE), are studied for the downlink of 3GPP LTE-A system which is based on MIMO-OFDM technology. The performance of the system is evaluated using different transmission schemes (Transmit Diversity (TxD) and Open Loop Spatial Multiplexing (OLSM)) and different detectors (Zero Forcing (ZF) and Soft Sphere Decoder (SSD)), also the evaluation is conducted using 4x2 transmit-receive antennas (Multiple input Multiple Output MIMO). LTE-A link level simulator (LTE-A v1.0_r100) from "Vienna University of Technology" using Matlab is used to evaluate the performance of the system in term of Bit Error Rate (BER) for different wireless channel models that consist of Vehicular A (VehA) and Vehicular B (VehB) channels. Keywords-LTE-A, LS, MMSE, TxD, OLSM, ZF, SSD, VehA, VehB |
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308-313 | A Case Based Study to Identify Malicious Node in
Packet Routing Suhasini Sodagudi , Dr.Rajasekhara Rao Kurra Abstract
MANET is a standalone ad hoc network with a system of mobile nodes interfacing without any centralized infrastructure. Generally, in the network layer of such an network, there are more possibilities for an attacker to observe traffic and inject themselves into the transmission path between the source and destination. Hence, routing and data forwarding tasks are common issues that are performed in the network. In data forwarding task, forging of identities and falsifying of data are the two common types of attacks that can be launched by an adversary in a multicast routing model. To compensate such data loss, security must be provided. A Systematic approach of routing attacks is in five categories covering impersonation, modification, fabrication, and replay. In this direction, detection of behavioural model of Sybil attack is focused by using network simulator Keywords— attack, mobile nodes, impersonation, multicast |
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314-318 | Density Based Clustering using Enhanced KD Tree Logamani. K, Punitha. S. C Abstract
Clustering is a division of data into groups of similar objects. Each group called cluster, consists of objects that are similar within the cluster and dissimilar to objects of other clusters. Representing data by fewer clusters necessarily loses certain fine details, but achieves simplification, and so may be considered as a form of data compression. It represents many data objects by few clusters models data by its clusters. The system cannot cluster data sets with large difference in densities since the Mints-epsilon combination cannot be chosen appropriately for all clusters. These disadvantages are overcome in the proposed work by using two global parameters. Epsilon which is used to determine the maximum radius of the point neighbourhood, and midpoints which is used to determine the minimum number of points in an Epsneighbourhood, these two parameters set for each cluster depending upon the structure to be created. These are set automatically depending upon structure points created the kd-tree was combined with another kd-tree in order to boost the speed rate of the kd-tree. Keywords— Data mining, Clustering, Fast K- Means, K-Medoids, Enhanced KD Tree. |
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319-325 | Trust Computation Model for Secure Data
Aggregation (TCMSDA) in Wireless Sensor
Networks R. Divya, K. Geethalakshmi Abstract
A wireless sensor network consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, pressure, etc. and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location. In the wireless sensor networks, data aggregation scheme is used to reduce the large amount of transmissions. In the wireless sensor network, security is an important concern. So, in order to overcome this problem a new concealed data aggregation scheme is used. It has three contributions: First, it is designed for a multi-application environment. The base station extracts application-specific data from aggregated cipher texts. Next, it mitigates the impact of compromising attacks in single application environments. Finally, it degrades the damage from unauthorized aggregations. In this method, the aggregator is selected based on the transmission range. But the drawback is less security and less efficient. So, in this paper, an innovative technique called Trust Computation Model for Secure Data Aggregation (TCMSDA) in wireless sensor networks is introduced. A new trust management scheme is essential to differentiate illegal and normal nodes and filter out the malicious nodes in the network. In the trust computation model, each node identifies trustworthiness of sensor nodes. This model suggests a defensible approach against insider attacks incipiently beyond standard authentication mechanisms and conventional key management schemes. Experimental results show that when compared to the existing system, the proposed system achieves more efficiency and high security. Keywords— Wireless Sensor Network, Data Aggregation, Trust Value. |
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326-332 | Parametric Performance Evaluation of a Printed
Pixel Monopole Antenna Mustafa S. Hussein, Lubab A. Salman Abstract
A pixel monopole antenna could be recognized as a broadband reconfigurable antenna with the capability of multi-objective real-time optimization to meet the specific needs of a particular application or operating conditions. It allows a wide range of reconfigurability options as it enables accurate simultaneous control of its spatial and frequency domains characteristics in real time by allowing a large number of functionality states. This operational versatility, however, is limited to the extent made possible by the device’s fixed design parameters. These include the substrate’s material and height, the size of the individual pixel elements and the spacing between them which determines the size of the overall radiating aperture, and the feed mechanism and the associated broadband impedance matching parameters. The impact of these parameters on the performance of a |
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333-335 | A Survey on Approaches to Improve Quality of
Fingerprint Image and Template Security Janani. B , Dr. N. Radha Abstract
A biometric is a distinct biological trait that can be used to recognize a person. Fingerprints have been used for over a century and are the most widely used for user identification. Fingerprint identification is commonly employed in Forensic science to support criminal investigations and in biometric systems such as civilian and commercial identification devices.Fingerprint is the pattern of ridges and valley on the inner surface of a finger or a thumb. The low quality fingerprint imagesused for feature extraction and matching will not produce efficient results. To deal with this various methods for enhancing low-quality fingerprints images are discussed. In addition to enhancement, the storage of fingerprint template is also an important issue. Because when the hacker steels the template from the database, it can be misused. To avoid this problem, various template security techniques are surveyed.In this paper various image quality enhancement techniques and template security techniques are reviewed in the literature. |
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